Stockton, CA – For the first time, proponents and opponents of the State’s plans to transform the San Joaquin-Sacramento Delta will discuss the merits and drawbacks of the Delta Plan and the peripheral canal. The forum is scheduled Saturday, March 3, 2012 at the Civic Auditorium, in Stockton, and is open to the general public.
The purpose of this forum is to inform and explain to all residents in the Delta region the scope, and impact of changes that may forever alter the unique features of the Delta by redefining the character and future growth of communities that lie within the region, by eliminating family farms operating within the Delta, and by altering the fabric of life enjoyed by Delta residents.
“A Primer on Water and the Delta” is the first of three forums that are being hosted by the same coalition of environmental advocates, private business and local government that held community forums the past two years on how to employ sustainable practices in everyday life. Members of the coalition are the Sierra Club, Campaign for Common Ground, the A.G. Spanos Companies, the Stockton City Council and the San Joaquin Council of Governments.
“Water is vital to our local economy, our farms, and our cities. As residents of the region and stewards of this unique estuary and habitat to many species, it is important that we stay informed and alert to insure that we retain local control over our water and our future,” said Susan Eggman City Council Member.
Presentations at the forum will be made by Dr. Jerry Meral, Deputy Secretary for the California Natural Resources Agency; Jason Peltier, Chief Deputy General Manager, Westlands Water District; Jim Fiedler, Chief Operating Officer, Santa Clara Valley Water District; Ann Johnston, Mayor of Stockton and Chair for the Delta Coalition; John Herrick, an expert on local water issues; Jeff Michael, Director of the Business Forecasting Center, University of the Pacific; Larry Ruhstaller, San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors; and, Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Executive Director of Restore the Delta.
The forum will begin at 8:30 a.m. and conclude at 12:00 noon. Each presentation will be followed by a question and answer period. Moderator for the entire series will be Susan Eggman, a City Council Member of the City of Stockton and Professor of Social Work at the California State University at Sacramento.
Members of the organizing committee are Dale Stocking, Sierra Club; Eric Parfrey, Campaign for Common Ground; Councilwoman Susan Eggman, Stockton City Council; Natalia Orfanos, A.G. Spanos Companies; and Andrew Chesley, Executive Director of the San Joaquin Council of Governments.
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