
The Delta Tribal Environmental Coalition (DTEC), San Francisco Baykeeper, California Indian Environmental Alliance, and Golden State Salmon Association on July 14, 2024 filed a joint objection letter in response to the State Water Resources Control Board’s June 19, 2024 Notice of Assignment and Pre-Hearing Conference on the Department of Water Resources’ Petition for Change of Water Rights Permits associated with the Delta Conveyance Project...
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By: Sara Medina The Wetlands Preservation Foundation (WPF) and Restore the Delta are excited to host their inaugural Rice Field Day on July 19th, 2024! This event is your chance to explore the financial and ecological benefits of rice farming in the Delta region. Join us to be a part of shaping the future of sustainable...
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On June 11th at the Big Break Visitor Center in Oakley, the first Just Transitions in the Delta workshop is occurring! Surrounding the themes of drought, salinity, and sea level rise, these workshops aim for collaborative envisioning for the future on adaptation strategies that can be used to address these concerns alongside Delta community, advocates, and experts. Restore the...
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Restore the Delta note: This is an item of interest because we think there has to be a change in how vessels are managed for the health of the Delta.  You can read the full column here.  From the column:Stocktonia: Dreamers who bring geriatric ships to Stockton’s Delta are often so enamored by what a vessel could...
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By: Artie ValenciaOn April 18th, 2024, the San Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency Board authorized balloting for a proposed property assessment to fund levee construction and maintenance for the Mossdale Tract Area which includes portions of South Stockton (Weston Ranch), Lathrop, Manteca, and adjacent unincorporated areas. Assessment ballots have been mailed to affected property owners....
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In case you missed it, several news stories of interest regarding the problematic cost-benefit for the Delta Conveyance Project analysis are listed below for you. California’s water tunnel to cost $20 billion. State officials say the benefits are worth it – AP News 5/16/24 …The analysis released Thursday notes the environmental impacts include lost agricultural land,...
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San Joaquin County, Sacramento County, and Sacramento County Water Agency have filed motions for preliminary injunction against the State of California to stop geotechnical drilling and other exploratory activities related to the Delta Conveyance Project, also known as the Delta tunnel.   Restore the Delta is one of several Tribal and environmental parties that has also filed a motion for injunction...
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Over the weekend, ABC 10 published its latest series uncovering the truth about the threats posed by the Delta Conveyance Project to Delta communities, Tribes, and the environment.  The series prominently features our Executive Director, Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, and provides a look back at the last decade of the fight to stop the Delta tunnel.  Barrigan-Parrilla revisits how...
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“Guardians of the Estuary: Community Leaders in the Delta” was inspired by the Delta Tribal Environmental Coalition’s (‘DTEC’) Civil Rights Complaint filed with the US Environmental Protection Agency against the State Water Resources Control Board. Cintia Cortez, Restore the Delta’s Policy Analyst and coordinator of DTEC, shares more information about the petition and complaint filed...
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LA Times Editorial: L.A. may not get another wet winter for a while. We should prepare for drier times This past weekend, the Los Angeles Times Editorial Board published an opinion, highlighting that despite positive progress, more needs to be done in Los Angeles to prepare for the inevitable return of drought conditions in the...
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