The March 24th hearing has been HACKED, at this time we are still waiting on an update from the California State Water Board. Restore the Delta will share updates with you as soon as they become available! Important Update: No Notice of Intent (NOI) NO LONGER Required! The Administrative Hearing Office has removed the requirement to submit a...Read More
Dear Friends, Our messaging to the Delta Stewardship Council for tomorrow’s hearing is shifting. Technically, the Council has determined that geotechnical drilling is not consistent with the Council’s Delta Plan. We should thank them for that finding. Included in their determination was a great deal of legalese regarding their role, CEQA, and other various scenarios that...Read More
Dear Supporters, Please call and/or e-mail your house representatives today or by Monday and tell them oppose H.R. 1927 (More Water and Security for Californians Act) introduced by Jim Costa of Fresno and Madera county. H.R. 1927 will severely weaken scientifically sound protections for California’s salmon fishery and other native fish in the Bay-Delta estuary...Read More
To learn about a new campaign opposing the Water Bond, you will need to visit, and/or follow or “LIKE” No On Prop 1 Facebook or Vote No On Prop 1 on Twitter. Regular updates on this issue will not be forthcoming from Restore the Delta, but from the No On Prop 1 committee. Take...Read More
Dear Supporters: Please call your state legislators today and tell them NOT to support Governor Brown’s proposed water bond. Governor Brown is reportedly trying to sell his water bond to our State Assembly and Senate with the words, “Just Trust Me.” He is putting window dressing on the bond to persuade our state legislators to...Read More
Video: KXTV-ABC Television Market: Sacramento-Stockton-Modesto, CA (20) News 10 at 6pm Video: KGPE-CBS Television Market: Fresno-Visalia, CA (55) Eyewitness News at 6-00 Video: “Restore the Delta coffin delivered to CA Governor Jerry Brown’s mail room July 29, 2014” by Gene Beley Video: “Restore the Delta Capitol Rally July 29, 2014 shines a light on the...Read More
Delta Water Warriors, We need your help with phone calls! Please call Senator Feinstein to remind her of the following as she negotiates with members of the House from the SJ Valley, who represent California’s water takers: Senator Feinstein, Washington D.C. office: (202) 224-3841 “We need real solutions to the drought that won’t sacrifice the...Read More
July 29th will be the LAST DAY for public comment on the BDCP. Join us in a rally marking this date and in raising our ongoing message “NO TUNNELS!” Save the date, share our event, and plan to join us. This is a critical time in the BDCP twin tunnels process–we must make our opposition...Read More
Restore the Delta has learned that: Governor’s bond proposal is not “tunnel neutral” as he claims. The governor’s proposed Chapter X. Watershed Protection and Ecosystem Restoration, Section 79735 B, provides that funds will be made available for ‘habitat restoration’ that is part of the BDCP plan, and for moving water from willing sellers to habitat...Read More
Dear Restore the Delta Members: Senator Feinstein's bill S 2198 is a bad deal for the Delta. It will federalize water diversions from the Delta at levels that are bad for farms and fish. Even worse, as the Senator continues to sell the bill as "temporary" drought measures, water advocates continue to find language buried...Read More