
Delta Flows
By: Barbara Barrigan-ParrillaDrought Barriers, an evil necessity?Yesterday, Restore the Delta sent the following scoping comment letter to the Army Corps of Engineers in response to a “Dredge and Fill (404) Application from California Department of Water Resources (DWR) to construct North Delta Drought Salinity Barriers Project.” DWR proposes in its application to add two more temporary rock...
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A little good news to end a busy week. We are thrilled to share that on July 7, 2022 the San Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce joined the call by California Tribes and Delta environmental justice groups for the State Water Board to finally update the Bay-Delta Plan. More than a decade overdue. Here’s...
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Restore the Delta wants to share with our supporters this recent communication with the Department of Water Resources about the voluntary agreements. Date: 5/5/22Dear Director Nemeth, Thank you for your email regarding the upcoming voluntary agreement governance meetings. At this time, Restore the Delta is respectfully declining your invitation. I would like to share a few...
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Restore the Delta staff and interns have begun public work again, in-person following the pandemic, with a bright and hopeful focus on problem solving and community building activities.Meanwhile, a new, and deeply problematic, Temporary Urgency Change Petition has been conditionally approved to suspend Delta water quality standards the next 90 days. In addition, the Department...
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At a State Water Resources Control Board meeting this week, the Board considered a revised Temporary Urgency Change Petition for Delta operations. Water contractors claimed they shouldn’t be hampered by Harmful Algal Bloom studies. DWR was busy seeking extensions. Restore the Delta made these comments in response to the requests made by water contractors and DWR. Chair...
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by Barbara Barrigan-ParrillaIn December, the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) announced that the Voluntary Agreement (VA) process had ended for the San Joaquin River watershed; that rule making and implementation planning would begin for the Bay-Delta Plan (Phase 1) for the San Joaquin River watershed (with physical implementation in 2023); and that the process...
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Restore the Delta policy and science staff plug into many state and regional water discussions. We recently joined the “Adapting Restoration for a Changing Climate Symposium” held by the Science Program of the Delta Stewardship Council. The event was held Feb 2-3, 2022.Here are some highlights from the event. Laurel Larsen (Delta Science Program Lead...
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As life turns back on after the holidays, Restore the Delta has been busy. Here is our report out from the State Water Resources Control Board workshop held Wednesday, January 5, on the “Temporary Urgency Change Petition for the Delta” that would keep allowing the state to continue to ignore Clean Water Act violations in...
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– Tim Stroshane, policy analyst, Restore the DeltaLast Wednesday, December 15, staff of the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Board) hosted an online workshop to address “possible alternatives to address water supply shortages in the Delta watershed.” As many Delta Flows readers are aware, “water supply shortages” are dealt with through a system of...
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This past week was action packed for Restore the Delta staff. Drought (part of our past and new climate normal) is tough on people, planning, agriculture – and especially fish, wildlife, and the natural world. California water management practices have also exacerbated the problems associated with drought because of a stubborn refusal by the Department of...
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