Estuary News / ICYMI

A Digest of Selected News Stories

Estimating costs

One problem with BDCP cost estimates:  Delta land values are based on 2009 data and are...

“Fixing” the game

After wandering for awhile in the realm of optimistic speculation, consultants got down to Chapter 9,...

Sacramento mayor, city manager oppose Delta water tunnels

In case you missed it… The Sacramento Bee Sacramento mayor, city manager oppose Delta water tunnels...

“Over Troubled Waters”: Documentary Film on Water Wars to be featured in San Jose

Media Advisory for Thursday, July 25, 2013 Contact: Steve Hopcraft 916/457-5546; Twitter: @shopcraft Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla...

Restore the Delta Calls for Cost-Benefit Analysis of BDCP

Restore the Delta Calls for Cost-Benefit Analysis of BDCP, Peripheral Tunnels: Cost Estimate has Tripled, Public...

State Water Board sends letter to diverters of surface water

“State Water Board sends letter to diverters of surface water; warns there will be “little or...

Articles, Television & Radio Interviews of Interest from Restore the Delta

Over 30 television and radio spots have run on the Caltrans confiscation of the “Save the...

BDCP presents the final chapters of the Administrative Draft

This Wednesday, July 17, from noon to 6 p.m., the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) will...

Update on Caltrans’ removal of signs in the Delta

letter to Caltrans in Rio Vista with a Notice to Cease and Desist Removal of Signs...
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