
Restore the Delta
“Guardians of the Estuary: Community Leaders in the Delta” was inspired by the Delta Tribal Environmental Coalition’s (‘DTEC’) Civil Rights Complaint filed with the US Environmental Protection Agency against the State Water Resources Control Board. Cintia Cortez, Restore the Delta’s Policy Analyst and coordinator of DTEC, shares more information about the petition and complaint filed...
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For Immediate Release: April 3, 2024 Contact:Alexandra Nagy,, 818-633-0865 Rejection of the Delta Conveyance Project is essential to advance equity and prioritize frontline and tribal communities Stockton, Calif — The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) released the final version of the California Water Plan which asserts equity for “frontline communities,” yet ignores the negative impacts key...
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LA Times Editorial: L.A. may not get another wet winter for a while. We should prepare for drier times This past weekend, the Los Angeles Times Editorial Board published an opinion, highlighting that despite positive progress, more needs to be done in Los Angeles to prepare for the inevitable return of drought conditions in the...
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For Immediate Release: March 20, 2024 Contact:Alexandra Nagy,, 818-633-0865 Stockton, Calif — The recent ruling upholding the Bay-Delta Plan marks a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to protect the delicate balance of our state’s water resources and ecosystems. As the court affirmed, science-based flow standards are essential for safeguarding the health of the Delta and its vital ecosystems. However, amidst this legal...
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By: Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla While we continue our work around the Bay-Delta Plan, the Delta tunnel, and our US EPA Petition, the positive projects for the future of the region are also moving forward. We are very happy to announce the publication of the Rice Farming Handbook for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. This book not only...
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Restore the Delta responds to Gov. Newsom’s $50 million salmon population spending plan  Restore the Delta’s latest opinion piece sheds light on Gavin Newsom’s divisive tactics in pitting marginalized communities and tribes against each other to fight over water resources, particularly regarding the controversial Delta Conveyance Project. Newsom’s administration, along with State Water Contractors, are accused of...
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By: Barbara Barrigan-ParrillaWhile the struggle to protect the Delta’s waterways and lands continues, Restore the Delta is moving forward building out positive programs and developing new leaders. Our Zeitgeist is pure: the positive future that we continue to put forward will win.That doesn’t mean that there will not be legal, policy, and political struggles over...
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Restore the Delta note: Thanks to Port City Marketing, we have a beautiful new website. Please check it out and let us know how we did. Also, you can read in more detail about our work. Coverage of Restore the Delta’s response to the Department of Water Resources’ petition to change the point of diversion for the Delta tunnel.Restore the...
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Urgent Call to Action Amidst the looming flood risk, it’s crucial to recognize the imperative need for comprehensive floodplain restoration across all of California. The current reliance on channelized rivers falls short, evident in the imminent threat of the LA River reaching overflow levels. Incorporating wetlands into river outlets is non-negotiable, serving as a vital...
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Today, Governor Gavin Newsom shared with reporters his version of a salmon recovery program for California. Within his plan, he continues to push forward with the voluntary agreements, which US EPA has already expressed doubt about as a viable program for Bay-Delta water management.  Restore the Delta’s executive director Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla said in response to the Governor’s salmon plan:  “There...
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