Governor Newsom has released a statement saying he will veto SB1. We need you to call him today, and repeatedly, until further notice. It is time to let him know that you expect him to do the right thing for the Delta, and California’s water future.
Here is how to contact the Governor:
His office’s phone number is (916) 445-2841.
If you are unable to call, you can email his office here.
Here is what California newspapers and blogs think about Governor Newsom’s opposition to SB1.
A bad look for the Newsom Administration – On the public record 9/16/19
“Frankly, the Newsom administration is two strikes down (Marcus, SB1) and have lost the benefit of the doubt. They’re going to need a heavily enviro resilience portfolio if they want to be considered a good environmental administration. They cannot trust themselves to generate that enviro perspective; they should rely on the actual water enviros for that.”
California governor plans to veto environmental rules bill– AP 9/16/19
“California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Saturday he will buck Democratic legislative leaders by vetoing legislation aimed at stopping the Trump administration from weakening oversight of longstanding federal environmental laws in California.”
Editorial: Newsom on wrong side of environmental bill– SF Chronicle 9/16/19
“Gov. Gavin Newsom has signaled that he will veto the most significant environmental protection bill to emerge from the California Legislature this past session: Senate Bill 1, a measure tailored to safeguard the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta from water grabs if, as expected, the Trump administration weakens the Endangered Species Act. The governor who fancies himself as a leader of the resistance to Trump administration policies that undermine this state’s laws and violate its values needs to reconsider his position on SB1.”
A fight with Trump that Gavin Newsom doesn’t want: Why he’s vetoing environmental bill– Sac Bee 9/16/19
“Gov. Gavin Newsom took considerable political heat over the weekend from a pair of unlikely sources — the environmental community and Democratic lawmakers. Both were angered over his pledge Saturday to veto Senate Bill 1, a proposal that they say would have protected California’s waterways and fish against the Trump administration.”
Newsom Says He Will Veto Bill Blocking Trump Rollback of Endangered Fish Species Protections– Daily Kos 9/15/19
“We’re hoping that, before he actually has the bill in front of him, Newsom will consult with public interest water and legal experts, including the attorney general. We think he will then understand how important to California’s environment and worker safety SB 1 is,” Phillips continued.
SB 1 Coalition Responds to Governor Newsom’s Announcement– NRDC 9/16/19
“By rejecting SB 1 to satisfy the bill’s narrowly focused opponents, he is discarding protections that SB 1 would have provided for endangered species, air quality, water quality and worker safety.”