Today is Giving Tuesday and there’s a big bad wolf in our neighborhood. No, we aren’t talking about giant nutria invading the Delta—we’re talking about the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.
Let’s face the facts:
- Metropolitan presently owns five Delta islands.
- As the top financial contributor to the tunnels project, Metropolitan has the most decision-making power on how the project is financed, designed, constructed, and operated. In other words, who benefits and who loses as a result of construction and operation of CA WaterFix becomes a narrative controlled by MWD.
- President Trump’s recent memo that will expedite environmental review processes and loosen regulations for major California water projects creates a shortcut for the tunnels project timeline.
- MWD’s outsized influence over the Joint Powers Authorities and the proposed adaptive management group culminates a process that failed to identify, include, and protect the interests and rights of Delta environmental justice communities. These communities cannot be left out of the decision-making process for the Delta tunnels because they will be harmed the most.
Our brothers and sisters in Southern California need and deserve clean water, but MWD does not need to destroy the Delta in order to do so. This is not about North vs. South—this is about practical and sustainable water management for the entire state of California.
As you’re reading this, MWD is taking another breath to huff and puff and blow the Delta down. But you can help us help the Delta with a financial contribution to our campaign.Each donation provides an extra brick to help us protect and defend the Delta from our uninvited neighbor.
Our goal over the next two months is to raise enough money for us to continue our campaign into the next Governor’s term to ensure that the tunnels project is put to rest or returns to the drawing board.
As we end the month of November—the month of giving and gratitude—we ask that you reflect on what kind of world you want to leave behind and then take action to make that world a reality.
We thank you for your continued support, involvement, and belief in this campaign. This holiday season, much like every holiday season over the last 12 years, we are grateful for each and every one of you.
Yours in Service,
Restore the Delta