Rally Against Confiscation of
“Save the Delta!
Stop the Tunnels!” Signs
FRIDAY, JULY 12, 2013
10:00 am
In front of Caltrans Headquarters
1120 N Street, Sacramento
Come Support Restore the Delta!
Bring Homemade Signs!
Restore the Delta will hold a news conference on Friday to protest Gov. Brown’s use of the State of California Department of Transportation (CalTrans) to silence critics of his proposed Peripheral Tunnels. Restore the Delta will call on Gov. Brown to order CalTrans crews to cease confiscating “Save the Delta! Stop the Tunnels!” signs displayed by Delta land and business owners, even though these signs are posted on private property.
“We are outraged that the Brown Administration is trampling the rights of business and land owners who have posted signs on their property opposing the Peripheral Tunnels,” said Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, executive director of Restore the Delta. “This is biased enforcement of little-used provisions to silence critics of the Governor’s proposed Peripheral Tunnels. Anyone driving on I-5, Highway 99, and other state highways in the San Joaquin Valley can see signs from Westlands Water District mega-growers and others blaring their views on water. CalTrans has happily left those signs in place. The people of California don’t pay state taxes so CalTrans can trample property and free speech rights in service of Gov. Brown’s doomed tunnels project.”