Also, while driving down the I-5, closer to the Semitropic water users area and extending into Kern County, new signs have been placed for tourists speeding through the state from up north to Los Angeles and San Diego. These signs, meant to falsely decry the reality that we are in a second dry year and, thus, water must be conserved by all Californians, read instead like a tourist destination:“You are now entering a state restricted water delivery area – Los Angeles, San Diego, and Valley farmers.”
Without a doubt, South Valley corporate agribusiness farmers are using their sign campaign in an attempt to strengthen their bond with the people of Southern California simply because they all receive water deliveries from the State Water Project. But as Southern Californians learn more each day about how they will be subsidizing the peripheral tunnels for the benefit of corporate agriculture without receiving any new water, we doubt this message will have any real impact with those in the know. And it certainly won’t have any impact with most folks who don’t understand our labyrinth like water delivery system as they are busy driving to visit family, tourist destinations, and the next Starbucks on the way.
Also heard recently, television stories are beginning again about how Westlands farmers are suffering due to cuts in their water deliveries. Restore the Delta supporters, you know this fire drill. Whenever you hear or read a story based on this false narrative, email the news station or the newspaper and educate the reporters/editors on how Westlands is a junior water rights holder, that their farmers should have never planted permanent crops, how their lands do not drain properly, and how the State Water Resources Control Board has promised 5 times more in water deliveries than is available in the system.