Media Advisory for Thursday, October 18, 2012
Contact: Steve Hopcraft 916/457-5546; Twitter: @shopcraft
Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla 209/479-2053; Twitter: @RestoretheDelta
Restore the Delta Leader to Kick-Off Conference for Sustainable Futures
Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, executive director of Restore the Delta, will be opening the Conference for Sustainable Futures, with a showing and commentary of the documentary film Over Troubled Waters: the Fate of California is in Your Hands.
Restore the Delta, is a 7000-member grassroots organization committed to making the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta fishable, swimmable, drinkable, and farmable to benefit all of California. Restore the Delta, produced the documentary Over Troubled Waters, which will be shown at the conference. In the film, Ed Begley Jr. narrates the story of how the people of the Delta are fighting to protect the region they love and to encourage saner, sustainable water policies for all the people of California. “This film reveals how powerful forces are using fear of flooding and earthquakes to make a case for transforming a unique, beautiful, productive region into a permanent way station for water going somewhere else. They are trying to shore up an outdated water system with a massive, multi-billion dollar water transfer project that Californians will be paying for decades,” said Ms. Barrigan-Parrilla.
The conference is hosted by The Council for Sustainable Futures and will feature speakers and activities that promote environmental solutions, human rights, and social engagement. Come and see how people are making a difference, globally, nationally and locally.
Who: Barbara Barrigan- Parrilla, Executive Director, Restore the Delta
What: Opening Speaker – Conference for Sustainable Futures
Where: California State University, Stanislaus,
Mary Stuart Rogers Educational Services Gateway Building
When: Thursday, October 18, 2012 – 7:00pm