Dear friends,
Restore the Delta is a rare combination of good outreach and solid policy work. This week, we are featured in several media and have filed a lawsuit against state and federal agencies for drought mismanagement of the Delta. Below is just a few of our most recent work.
- NPR All Things Considered: California's War Over Water Has Farmer Fighting Farmer (and we have 2 more segments airing today and tomorrow in the evening)
- Our recent lawsuit with partners against state and federal agencies for drought mismanagement (we have gotten coverage from Associated Press and an interview on NPR Capital Public Radio)
- Outreach and press release on Delta drought barriers and draft federal drought legislation bill
People have asked how to help–for this campaign, it's educate, protest and litigate (a last resort when education and protest does not work).
We need an extra boost to handle new litigation and media. Can you go to this button below and commit to a monthly donation? If all our supporters committed to $10 a month (two Starbucks drinks!), we would have the resources needed to topple the Big Special Interests. If you cannot make a monthly donation, please consider making a one-time donation. Every new member of our monthly givings club will receive a surprise complimentary and unique gift from us.
Thank you for your ongoing attention and dedication.
Yours in Service,
Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Executive Director