For Immediate Release: 4/29/2019
Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Restore the Delta, 209-479-2053,
Brian Smith, 415-320-9384G
STOCKTON, CA – Governor Gavin Newsom signed an executive order late Monday, April 29, directing three state agencies to develop a “comprehensive strategy to build a climate-resilient water system and ensure healthy waterways through the 21st century.”
The Water Resilience Portfolio order directs the secretaries of the California Natural Resources Agency, the California Environmental Protection Agency and the California Department of Food and Agriculture to identify and assess a suite of complementary actions to ensure safe and resilient water supplies, flood protection and healthy waterways for the state’s communities, economy and environment. The portfolio will integrate and build on programs, policies and investments already in place to build a climate-resilient water system.
The order directs the state to think bigger and
more strategically on water by directing the agencies to inventory and assess
current water supplies and the health of waterways, future demands and
challenges. The agencies will seek input over the coming weeks and months
through listening sessions, information workshops and other public meetings to
help inform the water resilience portfolio that will be recommended to the
Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla of
Restore the Delta said:
“We support a portfolio
approach to solving California’s water challenges. We will collaborate and
participate in all processes, and keep the public notified of our findings.
Naturally, as Delta people we don’t care for tunnels, but we look forward to
engaging in an honest and transparent public process the helps move us towards
the co-equal goals of the Delta Reform Act of 2009.”