Santa Clara Valley area residents,
The Santa Clara Valley Water District will soon vote on the Delta Tunnels project.
We need to make sure that they vote NO.
The public meeting on August 22nd is potentially one of their last meetings before a vote in the fall. At the last public meeting, the Santa Clara Valley Water District Board expressed many concerns about supporting the Delta Tunnels project and asked for more public input, click here to see the live tweets.
Please plan to join us to voice your concerns. If you need help formulating a 2-3 minute public comment, send us an e-mail at or give us a call at (209) 475-9550.
WHEN: Tuesday, August 22 @ 6:00 p.m.
WHERE: The SCVWD Headquarters Boardroom @ 5700 Almaden Expressway, San Jose, CA 95118 (NOTE: An agenda is not yet posted, you may contact them directly at (408) 265-2600).
If you find that there is no way you can attend, you can find your board member here and contact them directly by clicking on their bios.
As a Santa Clara Valley Water ratepayer, we urge you to speak on these items at the opening public comment session:
1) You do not want to pay for a project that will cost $1 billion before cost over runs and that will not provide the District with additional water supply. Staff estimates of increased water supply are not accurate. They need to consult the CA WaterFix website and look at climate change modeling done by environmental NGOs.
2) You do not support a project that will result in worsened water quality for the South Bay. Water quality in the South Bay is directly dependent on flushing action from fresh water from the Delta.
3) You do not support a project that will divert even more water from a healthy San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary to big, industrial agriculture known for record use of pesticides and chemicals that get into our food supply.
4) You do not support Santa Clara Valley Water District partnering with San Luis Delta Mendota Water Authority to weaken Bay-Delta water quality standards through litigation or public media campaigns.
5) You support use of ratepayer money toward conservation, storm water capture, ground water capture and clean up, recycling.
6) You do not support the use of Ad Valorem property taxes to pay for Delta tunnels planning, construction or operation, or for supporting anti-Delta programs in partnership with San Luis Delta-Mendota Water Authority
Thank you for your advocacy!