December 10, 2024
Alexandra Nagy,
Statement by Restore the Delta
Los Angeles, Calif – Today, the Metropolitan Water District Board approved $141 million to continue planning the Delta Tunnel project—a move that furthers an unjust water grab from California’s Delta communities. Secretary Wade Crowfoot misled the Board, falsely claiming collaboration with Delta residents, despite having no meetings with these communities since 2019.
The Delta Tunnel, built on flawed voluntary agreements, seeks to divert vital river water into a costly tunnel funded by MWD ratepayers. Meanwhile, Governor Newsom aims to expand the San Joaquin Valley’s agricultural economy at the expense of the Delta’s environment, communities, and Southern California ratepayers. This project fails to address real climate-resilient water solutions or deliver affordable outcomes for Californians.
While today’s decision moves the project forward, it faces numerous permitting and legal hurdles. Restore the Delta remains steadfast in opposing this harmful plan and will continue fighting to protect the Delta, its people, and its ecosystems.