Hello Restore the Delta Advocates!
We just wanted to share with you a very impressive coalition letter that brought together some of the best thinking from Stockton’s activists.
On Tuesday March 16, 2021 Restore the Delta submitted our “Stockton Coalition Comments on Delta Adapts Vulnerability Assessment” to the Delta Stewardship Council.
The goal of the Delta Adapts Draft Vulnerability Assessment is to evaluate the vulnerability of the Delta and Suisun Marsh to climate impacts through end of century. Our comments are part of the public review process to evaluate the draft assessment, especially the plans to identify areas within the Delta that are socially vulnerable to climate change impacts. We are proud of all the local people who spoke up during this process including the youth of the Restore the Delta’s Climate Action Team and the climate fellows working with Little Manila Rising, Third City Coalition, and environmental justice youth advocates from Fathers and Families of San Joaquin.
Here is a taste of what we told the council:
“Since we are commenting on a draft report, we respectfully suggest for the upcoming final report outlining areas where adaptation strategies for the Delta will be most needed, as well as potential legislative and policy initiatives that push forward climate change mitigation that will result in “no regrets” for the Delta region as well as other parts of the Central Valley and California. This will provide useful stepping-stones to a successful adaptation strategy phase of the Delta Adapts process.
“The final version of this vulnerability assessment should also clarify what existing services, practices (e.g., flood fighting), and infrastructure are already available to Delta communities as a baseline for adaptation strategies. How prepared are these baseline elements of disaster response for dealing with flood, extreme heat, wildfire, and other climate hazards at the different planning horizons examined in the assessment’s scenarios?”
Click here to read the letter in its entirety.