Dear Restore the Delta Members,
Governor Newsom has released a statement saying he will veto SB1. We need you to call him today, and repeatedly, until further notice. It is time to let him know that you expect him to do the right thing for the Delta, and California’s water future.
As LA Times columnist George Skelton summarizes in today’s column:
“…Newsom exercised his gubernatorial power by announcing he’ll veto Atkins’ bill — siding with the Trump administration, San Joaquin Valley farming interests and the influential Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), long an ally of valley agriculture, also adamantly opposed the bill.”
If Governor Newsom continues to echo the talking points of water contractors and vetoes SB1, he will allow Delta fisheries to collapse. SB1 is based on the 2011 biological opinions and all the related fishery management science of the Delta, and fishery protections equal water quality protections for the Delta’s 4 million people. Governor will be rejecting protection of the estuary and its people, plus a host of needed water quality and air quality protections for the state. He is choosing big ag and big water interests over public health, and a healthy and clean environment for all Californians.
Here is how to contact the Governor:
His office’s phone number is (916) 445-2841.
If you are unable to call, you can email his office here.
Thank you,
Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla