A ‘water grab’? Southern California water agency eyes possible control of Delta tunnels project – Sacramento Bee
“‘It would certainly raise a lot of concerns to have Metropolitan controlling the Delta tunnels,’ said WaterFix critic Doug Obegi, an attorney with the Natural Resources Defense Council. ‘Management of the Delta is supposed to be by the state on behalf of all the state’s citizens … and giving Met greater control really undermines trust that the facility would be operated responsibility and that would be operated with the benefit of all Californians.’”
State: Delta tunnels a good investment – Stockton Record
“Sunding’s study does not take the statewide approach that Delta advocates have called for, Michael said. It does not, for example, consider the cost should the tunnels worsen water quality within the Delta. And while it considers the cost to southland water users if the tunnels aren’t built and environmental regulations lead to reduced water exports from the Delta, it doesn’t consider whether those regulations might also have some economic benefit within the ailing Delta itself.
“’It’s strictly an analysis of return on investment to water contractors,’ Michael said. ‘It’s framing the question incredibly narrowly against a speculative baseline in order to generate a positive number.’”
Study: California’s Delta Tunnels Plan Makes Economic Sense – Courthouse News
“Project opponents quickly attacked the study, calling it ‘incomplete’ and overly reliant on an unproven modeling system.
“’This is just another chapter of the California Natural Resources Agency and the California Department of Water Resources presenting incomplete facts to push this ill-conceived project onto Californians,’ said Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, director of Restore the Delta. ‘We have known for some time that deep problems exist within the modeling which creates a fictional scenario of how much water is available for the delta tunnels.’”
ICYMI: 2/14/18
Nora Kovaleski, 408-806-6470, nora@kovaleskipr.com
Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Restore the Delta, 209-479-2053, barbara@restorethedelta.org