“Tyranny is Tyranny, let it come from whom it may.” – Howard Zinn Articles What did they know? And When did they know it? Old news worth another look And independent scientists say…. And environmental groups across the board agree… What did they know? And When did they know it? In retrospect, state and federal...Read More
For Immediate Release: Monday, January 13, 2014 Contact: Steve Hopcraft 916/457-5546; steve@hopcraft.com; Twitter: @shopcraft; @MrSandHillCrane; Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla 209/479-2053 barbara@restorethedelta.org; Twitter: @RestoretheDelta California Can’t Tunnel its Way Out of Drought Conditions Highlighting Need for Sustainable Solution Tunnels of no use in dry years; California should use $70 billion for sustainable water solutions, not build tunnels that...Read More