
Reports & Comment Letters


Bay-Delta Plan Comments

From the Delta Tribal-Environmental Coalition (DTEC)


CEQA Lawsuit

A coalition of environmental and Tribal organizations took legal action against the California Department of Water Resources for violating the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)


Amicus Brief

From the Delta Tribal-Environmental Coalition (DTEC)


Acceptance of EPA Petition

From the Delta Tribal-Environmental Coalition (DTEC)


The Fate of the Delta: Impacts of Proposed Water Projects and Plans on Delta Environmental Justice Communities

This historical, sociological report documents the environmental concerns and needs of those who will be harmed most by the Delta tunnels, while advocating for water quality and quantity policies that will serve the entire Delta community.


Climate Equity and Seismic Resilience for the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary

This 2019 report gives a SF Bay-Delta Estuary perspective to the “Water Resilience Portfolio” process launched by Governor Gavin Newsom this year. The report considers the climate and seismic science for the Delta and reveals how Restore the Delta will evaluate state water planning and any new conveyance proposal moving forward. 


Sites Reservoir Project Operations Effects

This report was prepared by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife Water Branch to showcase the effects that the Sites Reservoir Project will have on the Delta Smelt, (Hypomesus transpacificus), Longfin Smelt, (Spirinchus thaleichthys), Sacramento River Winter-run Chinook Salmon, (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), Central Valley Spring-run Chinook Salmon, (O. tshawytscha), and California White Sturgeon, (Acipenser transmontanus).


Fish Species Of Special Concern In California

This 2015 report is the third edition of the status of California’s Fish Species of Special Concern. The fishes addressed in this report all live and spawn in California’s freshwater environments and face varying levels of threat. They are all species that could potentially become extinct by the end of this century, tracking trajectories set by seven species that are already extinct and 31 species that are formally listed as threatened or endangered within the state.