
Media Alerts
For Immediate Release: March 20, 2024 Contact:Alexandra Nagy,, 818-633-0865 Stockton, Calif — The recent ruling upholding the Bay-Delta Plan marks a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to protect the delicate balance of our state’s water resources and ecosystems. As the court affirmed, science-based flow standards are essential for safeguarding the health of the Delta and its vital ecosystems. However, amidst this legal...
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A February 29, 2024 Los Angeles Times feature story by Hayley Smith and Ian James gives voice to opponents of the Delta Conveyance Project who argue project would be an environmental catastrophe. The article details how the tunnel risks worsening the fragile Delta ecosystem by increasing salinity, harming water quality, and jeopardizing endangered species like the Delta smelt and...
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Governor Newsom’s pro tunnel agenda raises concerns over discriminatory practices in Delta management For Immediate Release: February 22, 2024 Contact: Alexandra Nagy,, 818-633-0865 Sacramento, Calif. — The Department of Water Resources (DWR) under the Newsom Administration announced today that it has submitted a petition to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) to change...
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Today, Governor Gavin Newsom shared with reporters his version of a salmon recovery program for California. Within his plan, he continues to push forward with the voluntary agreements, which US EPA has already expressed doubt about as a viable program for Bay-Delta water management.  Restore the Delta’s executive director Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla said in response to the Governor’s salmon plan:  “There...
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Plan must include numeric criteria and adopt Tribal Beneficial Uses SACRAMENTO – US EPA Region 9 has filed an administrative comment with the California State Water Resources Control Board. The comment responds to the Board’s Draft Staff Report for the Phase II Update of the Bay-Delta Water Quality Control Plan (Bay-Delta Plan). Meanwhile, the Delta Tribal Environmental...
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State Conducted Inadequate Review of Alternatives, Used Questionable Trump-era Interpretations of Law  Contact:Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Oakland—Late yesterday, a coalition of environmental and Tribal organizations took legal action against the California Department of Water Resources for violating the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The groups contend that when the agency finalized approval for Governor Newsom’s controversial...
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 Delta Tribal Environmental Coalition Files Comments on the Bay-Delta Plan – DTEC 1/19/24Buena Vista Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians, Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians, Winnemem Wintu Tribe, Little Manila Rising, and Restore the Delta, collectively known as the Delta Tribal Environmental Coalition (DTEC), have filed an administrative comment with the California State Water Resources Control...
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Plan not sufficient to address the Delta’s ecological crisis DATE: 1/19/24 CONTACTS:Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Restore the Delta, 209-479-2053, barbara@restorethedelta.orgStephanie Safdi, Environmental Law Clinic, Stanford Law School, 513-324-1965, Ssafdi@stanford.eduSACRAMENTO – Today, Buena Vista Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians, Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians, Winnemem Wintu Tribe, Little Manila Rising, and Restore the Delta, collectively known as the Delta Tribal...
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in Sierra Club et al., v. California Department of Water Resources (DWR) A Judgment & Final Statement of Decision entered on 1/16/24 found that the Department of Water Resources exceeded its authority in August of 2020 when it authorized the issuance of the Delta Program Revenue Bonds – the Bonds to pay for the construction of the Delta Conveyance Project also...
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Solano County ready to sue state over Delta tunnel EIR – Daily Republic 1/11/24 FAIRFIELD — Solano County will be working with three other counties and a couple of water districts to “initiate litigation challenging the final environmental impact report and project approval for the Delta Conveyance Project.” …The county, in its most recent letter...
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