…and Restore the Delta reactions
Delta Conveyance Project Alternatives Screening Process – DWR
“We find this analysis incomplete and weak. Without consideration of the best water modeling based on new estimates of extended drought, the analysis is incomplete as to what the costs and benefits are. This is a premature project determination.”
– Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Executive Director, Restore the Delta
Delta Conveyance Project: Introduction to Community Benefits Program Development – DWR
“We encourage community, environmental, and social/environmental justice groups to engage with the Community Benefits process. While we oppose the project, if we for some reason cannot stop it, we want to ensure that communities are protected and healed. Community benefits are not mitigation and will not protect water quality, but we want to make sure that the most vulnerable people in the Delta are protected.”
– Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Executive Director, Restore the Delta