BREAKING— This morning, Ellen Knickmeyer of the Associated Press reported that the Trump administration does not support Governor Brown’s Delta Tunnels (CA WaterFix) project.
Knickmeyer reported that the spokesman for the U.S. Interior Department, Russell Newell wrote in an email, “The Trump administration did not fund the project and chose to not move forward with it.” When asked if this meant that the Trump Administration opposed the CA WaterFix project, Newell said yes.
Executive Director of Restore the Delta, Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla said:
“The Trump administration’s opposition to CA WaterFix is another nail in the coffin for the project. Water exporters have only pulled together about $6 billion in funding, and even a single 6,000 cfs tunnel would start at $10-11 billion. Water exporters would need either federal funding or access to WIFIA loans to build the project. In addition, it is highly unlikely that federal agencies will now sign off on the Record of Decision required to begin construction for the project.
“It is time for Governor Brown to get serious about solving California’s water problems with 21st century solutions. It is time for him to work with all people across the state to promote and create programs of regional self-sufficiency and to repair existing infrastructure.”
For more background information, read Dan Bacher’s recent report published on Daily Kos:
Breaking: House Democrats seek GAO probe into federal scheme to fund Delta Tunnels
In Case You Missed It: October 25, 2017
Nora Kovaleski, 408-806-6470,
Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Restore the Delta, 209-479-2053,