Media Advisory for Thursday, July 25, 2013
Contact: Steve Hopcraft 916/457-5546; Twitter: @shopcraft
Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla 209/479-2053; Twitter: @RestoretheDelta
“Over Troubled Waters”: Documentary Film on Water Wars
to be featured in San Jose
Special Q&A Water Panel Follows
Over Troubled Waters, a documentary about the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta will be featured at CineArts Santana Row Theatre on Thursday, July 25, at 7:00 pm with a special question and answer panel immediately following the screening.
In this visually rich documentary, Ed Begley Jr. narrates the story of how the people of the Delta are fighting to protect the region they love and to encourage saner, sustainable water policies for all the people of California. “This film reveals how powerful forces are using fear of flooding and earthquakes to make a case for transforming a unique, beautiful, productive region into a permanent way station for water going somewhere else,” said Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, executive director of Restore the Delta, which produced the documentary. “They are trying to shore up an outdated water system with a massive, multi-billion dollar water transfer project that Californians will be paying for decades.”
Over Troubled Waters has been recognized as an official selection of the 2013 San Francisco Frozen Film Festival, 2013 Wild & Scenic Film Festival, the Tiburon International Film Festival and the NorCal Film Festival. Over Troubled Waters was the winner of the Best Documentary Short at the 2012 Nevada Film Festival and was a designated participant at the 9th Annual Artivist Film Festival and the Fallbrook International Film Festival.
What: Over Troubled Waters
When: 7:00 pm, Thursday, July 25, 2013
Special Q&A Water Panel Immediately Following
Moderator, Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Executive Director of Restore the Delta, Adam Scow, Food & Water Watch, A Representative of the Santa Clara Water District
Authors of the Delta Protection Commission’s Economic Sustainability Plan:
Dr. Jeff Michael, Director of the Business Forecasting Center at the University of the Pacific, Dr. Robert Pyke, Delta Geotechnical and Engineering Expert
Where: CineArts @ Santana Row, 3088 Olsen Drive, San Jose, 95128
Free & Open to the public, donations at the door accepted and encouraged.