In case you missed it… Dr. Jeff Michael’s Valley Economy Blog Post: BDCP Benefit-Cost Analysis Is Going Off-Track 01/28/2013 I attended the second update on the new BDCP benefit-cost analysis on Thursday. I was optimistic after the initial meeting in November, but I am not anymore. In November, I was optimistic because they had...Read More
In case you missed it… The Sacramento Bee Jerry Brown’s water plan faces mixed reviews (David Siders and Jim Sanders) 01/26/2013 Nearly lost in the flurry of praise for Gov. Jerry Brown’s State of the State address on Thursday were a handful of tersely worded statements from lawmakers objecting to his plan to build two...Read More
Over Troubled Waters, a documentary about the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, has been made an ‘Official Selection’ at the NorCal Film Festival. The Northern California Film Festival is an International film festival providing a venue for films and documentaries of all genres and lengths. “We are pleased and honored to have been designated, thereby giving Over Troubled Waters...Read More