Twenty years ago last month, President George H. W. Bush signed the Central Valley Project Improvement Act (CVPIA). The Act included reforms intended to encourage efficient water use, including authorizing transfers of agricultural water and creating a land retirement program to reduce water use on tainted land. It shortened the term of Central Valley Project...Read More
On November 6, the Board of Supervisors of Trinity County adopted a position of opposition to the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) to construct an isolated conveyance to move additional Northern California water south of the Delta. The Board resolved as follows: “that until such time as adequate assurance and protections for the public trust,...Read More
Your tax dollars are now helping to support the BDCP propaganda machine. In an opinion editorial in the San Jose Mercury News earlier this month, Department of Water Resources (DWR) director Mark Cowin insisted that “Levees alone won’t secure California’s water” (but the BDCP will). Of course, we never said levee improvements would fix everything....Read More
The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Delta Plan is scheduled for release November 30, after which there will be a 45-day comment period (for your holiday reading pleasure). Word is, though, that release of the state and federal environmental documents for the Bay Delta Conservation Plan is being pushed back yet again, to early...Read More
In his new Salmon Water Now video, “Twisted Water Games,” Bruce Tokars gives Westlands family farmers (and there are a few of those) some reasons to oppose the Peripheral Tunnel plan. View that video here.Read More