Restore the Delta has been thinking a great deal lately about who receives water exported from the Delta and how these recipients use this exported water. The more we learn about how exported water is being used by the corporate agribusiness growers on the west side and southern San Joaquin Valley, the more convinced we...Read More
The Delta Stewardship Council (DSC) met March 29-30. During Executive Director Joe Grindstaff’s report, there was a discussion of the continuing review of comments and responses to the Delta Pan and its EIR. Grindstaff opined that the prospective changes in the 6th Draft of the Delta Plan will necessitate recirculation of the EIR. (So we...Read More
The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) has released its final report on the Delta. This is the study initiated over two years ago at Senator Feinstein’s request, and at the urging of people like Stewart Resnick. The hope was that “objective” scientists from somewhere else would come up with answers more to the liking of...Read More
In a letter to the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA), Senator Dianne Feinstein has made it clear that she strongly opposes H.R. 1837, the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley Water Reliability Act, and will work to defeat it in the Senate. The senator called this bill a distraction from completion of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan...Read More
Dear friends, Two important pieces of legislation are currently making their way through the legislature. AB2000 (Huber) calls for the Delta Stewardship Council to report finding and declarations regarding the environmental consequences resulting from incorporating the Bay Delta Conservation Plan into the Delta Plan. AB2421 (Berryhill) calls for the Legislative Analyst’s Office to conduct a...Read More