Farm and Ranch Solid Waste Clean Up and Abatement Grant Program FR83 – State of California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery
$200k maximum per applicant each FY
Deadline: Ongoing
The Farm & Ranch Solid Waste Clean Up & Abatement Grant program offers financial support to address the cleanup & prevention of illegal dumping on properties designated for agricultural purposes, as defined in California Code of Regulations (CCR), Section 17991(d). Each FY, there are 4 application cycles, & this is the first one. CalRecycle administers this program in accordance with Section 48100 of the Public Resources Code.
Small Farmer Certified Pre-owned Agricultural Equipment Pilot Program – San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District
The Small Farmer Certified Pre-Owned Ag Equipment Pilot Program provides incentive funds for the replacement of in-use, off-road mobile equipment that are engaged in agricultural operations as defined by the California Air Resources Board. Funds are provided on a first come, first serve basis and applicants must obtain approval and have a signed, executed contract from the SJVAPCD prior to purchase of replacement equipment. Any equipment purchased prior to contract execution is ineligible as this is not a rebate program.This pilot program provides funding opportunities for small farmers in the San Joaquin Valley to replace Tier 0 or 1 agricultural equipment with certified pre-owned Tier 3 or cleaner equipment. SMALL FARMERS ONLY, Incentive must not exceed 80% of all eligible equipment costs.
Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP)
Certified CCOF Organic
Grant Amount: $10,000 per year for three years, for a total of $30,000
The Organic Transition Grants provide financial support to farmers who want to shift into organic production. These grants and technical assistance are available to farmers and ranchers in California who are interested in transitioning to organic production.
Program participants receive grants, mentorship, and technical support in agronomy, business and financial literacy, marketing, and market development over a three-year period.
California Winter Rice Habitat Incentive Program- CWRHIP – California RiceLands WaterBird Foundation
Incentive Amount: East Side of the Valley $15/acre and West Side of the Valley $30/acre
The California Winter Rice Habitat Incentive Program (CWRHIP) provides economic incentives to landowners or lessees who agree to manage their properties to provide waterfowl habitat. Participants will be required to flood harvested rice fields for a minimum of 70 continuous days during the winter months (October-March). Properties that can maintain water during critical months (January through middle of March) will be given additional points in the ranking process. Properties located within five miles of an active airstrip on a military base or international airport will not be considered for enrollment under this program (see maps of closure boundaries).
Carl Moyer Program: Eligible Equipment – California Air Resources Board
The Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program (Carl Moyer Program) provides grant funding for cleaner-than-required engines, equipment, and other sources of air pollution. The Carl Moyer Program is implemented as a partnership between CARB and California’s 35 local air districts. CARB works collaboratively with the air districts and other stakeholders to set Guidelines and ensure the Program reduces pollution and provides cleaner air for Californians.
Low-Dust Nut Harvester Replacement Program – Valley Air
The SJVAPCD is currently accepting applications requesting monetary incentives to replace existing nut harvesters (equipment) with new low-dust replacement equipment, according to the terms and conditions described in the guidelines.
Agricultural Tractor Replacement Program – Valley Air
The Agricultural Tractor Replacement Program provides incentive funds for the replacement of in-use, off-road mobile equipment that are engaged in agricultural operations as defined by the California Air Resources Board. Funds are provided on a first come, first serve basis, and applicants must obtain approval and have a signed, executed contract from the SJVAPCD prior to purchase of new equipment. Any equipment purchased prior to contract execution is ineligible as this is not a rebate program.
The Zero-Emission Agricultural Utility Terrain Vehicle (UTV) Voucher Program provides monetary incentives for the replacement of existing diesel or gasoline-powered UTVs and tractors with less than 25 horsepower with new, zero-emission UTVs to qualified individuals, businesses, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations involved in California agricultural operations as defined by the California Air Resources Board. Funds are provided on a first come, first serve basis, and applicants must obtain a signed voucher from the SJVAPCD prior to purchasing new equipment.
The Agriculture Energy Savings Action Plan (AESAP) helps agriculture operations by offering a variety of rebates, incentives, and financing options to help your operation reduce energy usage and costs. Upgrading ventilation, irrigation, and other critical systems with more energy-efficient options is one way to reduce your overhead, improve production, and preserve natural resources.