
Recent News
Democrats’ Bernhardt probe has California’s Cox in a tough spot – Roll Call, Washington, DC 10/31/19“…an investigation by Democrats on the House Natural Resources Committee who say Interior Secretary David Bernhardt may have influenced the reversal of that scientific assessment to help Westlands Water District, a former lobbying client that provides water to those farmers. The probe...
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Santa Barbara Water Agencies Say No to State Water Tunnel Project – Noozhawk Santa Barbara 10/25/19“Local water agencies aren’t buying into the new version of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta “twin tunnels” project, and Santa Barbara County members of the State Water Project voted Thursday to opt out entirely…“The Department of Water Resources hasn’t released a complete project description...
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By Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla Governor Gavin Newsom has never been one to hesitate expressing his values in opposition to President Trump. However, as noted by Politico, and plenty of California water policy folks, there was no direct response from the Governor to the Trump administration biological opinions filled with species protection and water quality rollbacks and miscalculations....
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October 23, 2019California fights Trump on everything — except water – Politico“Clearly this governor is making a play for the Central Valley to be nice to agriculture, and I think they’re playing him like a fiddle,” said one longtime environmental advocate who spoke on condition of anonymity to avoid political repercussions. Editorial: Newsom must not cave...
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Precious Delta waters growing food that rots…California Families Are Hungry While a Third of Crops Rot in Fields – KQED 10/18/19 The Sanchez family is among the 22% of people in Fresno County who couldn’t afford the groceries they needed in the past year. Fresno ranks third in the country for food insecurity, according to the Food...
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Column: Resnicks set a record with Caltech gift, but altruism isn’t the whole story – LA Times Oct. 1, 2019“Although the $750 million represents a personal gift to Caltech rather than a corporate gift from the Resnicks’ principal corporate entity, The Wonderful Company, they’re engaged through that company in some arguably unsustainable environmental practices. Caltech’s announcement made a passing...
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If you follow California water politics, you eagerly await the latest blog posts from the mysterious blogger, On The Public Record. This anonymous expert obviously has decades in this field and has a perfect record for calling BS. Worth a bookmark in your browser. Here are the latest OTPR posts that bring us up to date....
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Governor Newsom has released a statement saying he will veto SB1. We need you to call him today, and repeatedly, until further notice. It is time to let him know that you expect him to do the right thing for the Delta, and California’s water future.Here is how to contact the Governor:His office’s phone number is (916)...
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Happy Hot Monday! We hope everyone is staying hydrated and cool during our first heat wave of the season.As we scanned the news today this story jumped out as something for Delta activists to think about.This LA Times story is truly a heartbreaking cautionary tale about the impacts of large infrastructure projects on farming communities. High-speed...
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by Tim Stroshane, Policy Analyst, Restore the Delta The concrete-walled room was intimate and windowless, with chairs arranged into several rows facing toward a screen onto which a slide projector beamed DWR’s PowerPoint presentation. Placed in each corner was an easel with large displays for different facets of the State Water Project system. Each easel...
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