Clendaniel: Stop the Delta debacle before property owners get gouged – Ed Clendaniel for The Mercury News “In an audacious move, proponents argued that the Delta tunnels project is merely a “maintenance” project of the original State Water Project that California voters approved in 1960. No need to waste time going back to voters for...Read More
The recent legislative failures to stop the Cadiz Water Project and to enact the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund sting a little more knowing that the JLBC hearing is just a few short days away (September 11)—a meeting that would rubber stamp a 50-year State Water contract before Delta tunnels amendments have been finished...Read More
ACTION ALERT: It’s Time to Stop the Joint Legislative Budget Committee Hearing Rescheduled for 9/11! AB 2649 has died at the end of the legislative session, thanks to your efforts to stop it. Had it passed, the bill would have sunseted the requirement to hold the JLBC meeting to proceed with the State Water Project...Read More
For immediate release: 9/1/18 Contact: Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Restore the Delta, 209-479-2053, Nora Kovaleski, 408-806-6470, AB 2649 Dies at the End of Legislative Session, JLBC Hearing Rescheduled for 9/11 Assembly Member Richard Bloom’s last minute gut-and-amend bill, AB 2649 has died at the end of this legislative session. The bill would have sunseted the requirement...Read More
Assembly Member Richard Bloom has put into play a gut and amend bill, AB2649, which would repeal the required Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) hearing for oversight of the State Water Project contracts and the Delta tunnels, replacing the meeting with an even WEAKER oversight process! We need your help calling Senate President pro Tempore...Read More
STOCKTON, CA–Delta tunnels proponents have moved quickly this week, scheduling the Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) hearing on the State Water Project contract extension just two days before its scheduled date: tomorrow, August 30 at 8 AM, as noted in a recent email communication from Kathy Cole of Metropolitan Water District’s Sacramento Office. The hearing...Read More
It’s here. The Joint Legislative Budget Committee hearing on the State Water Project contract extension and Delta tunnels amendments has been scheduled for THIS THURSDAY, August 30 at 8 AM. Their decision to schedule this meeting at the eleventh hour with no public notice has transformed a public meeting into a backroom deal. We cannot...Read More
Dear Restore the Delta Supporters, It’s back. In the coming days and weeks, Delta tunnels proponents are trying to give a corrupt water handout to big agriculture on the backs of California taxpayers and water ratepayers, AGAIN. Please participate in this calling campaign aggressively and repeatedly, until we say all is clear. Three key state...Read More
With all eyes and ears in California water fixated on the State Water Resources Control Board’s proposed updates to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Bay-Delta, Delta stakeholders from all sides have offered their opinions on how to manage San Joaquin River inflow in recent weeks. Fish biologist Dr. Peter Moyle shares five articles...Read More
For immediate release: 8/20/18 Contact: Noah Oppenheim, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations, 415-723-1801, Peter Drekmeier, Tuolumne River Trust, 650-248-8025, Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Restore the Delta, 209-479-2053, Nora Kovaleski, 408-806-6470, Fishermen, Tribal Members, and Enviros Band Together to Advocate for More Flows at Sacramento Press Conference Today, a coalition of environmental...Read More