“It feels more like the daisy game played by children,” Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla of Restore the Delta said in an email. “Instead of ‘He loves me; He loves me not,’ we are down to a daily scenario of ‘Tunnels; No tunnels.’ We will see which petal we end with on Governor Brown’s last day.” Dear Friends,...Read More
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Friday, November 30, 2018 Contact: Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Restore the Delta, 209-479-2053 SACRAMENTO – Outgoing Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued a statement in support of the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act (WIIN Act). Response by Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Restore the Delta, executive director: “In the final days of his term, Governor Brown...Read More
As the Interior Appropriations Bill marches towards a Congressional vote, House Republicans are now pushing to resurrect the WIIN ACT, which would renew and potentially expand increased pumping in the Delta. When the WIIN ACT was passed in 2016, Senator Feinstein and other Congressional leaders said it was for two years to provide relief during...Read More
If you’ve been with us since this spring or earlier, you might remember an action alert we issued to stop the Calvert Rider, and then the Valadao Rideras part of the Interior House Appropriations Bill for FY 2019 (H.R. 6147). To refresh your memory, the Calvert Rider would prevent further judicial review of the Delta tunnels project, while the Valadao...Read More
Today is Giving Tuesday and there’s a big bad wolf in our neighborhood. No, we aren’t talking about giant nutria invading the Delta—we’re talking about the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. Let’s face the facts: Metropolitan presently owns five Delta islands. As the top financial contributor to the tunnels project, Metropolitan has the most...Read More
Monetary Donations for Camp Fire Survivors Fund: • The City of Stockton, along with many Stockton organizations, have come together to help raise money: http://stocktonhelpsparadise.com • Tri Counties Bank Camp Fire Victim’s: https://www.tcbk.com/fire-update • GoFundMe Roundup of Donations Pages: https://www.gofundme.com/cause/californiafires • Caring Choices Chico: http://www.caring-choices.org/ • Northern California Fire Relief Fund: https://nvcf.fcsuite.com/erp/donate/create?setc=1&funit_id=2012 • A Sacramento artist is...Read More
This past week was a doozy. While we received great news from the Delta Stewardship Council, Governor Brown is still relentlessly trying to push through his boondoggle legacy project. Speculation of potential backroom deals for the tunnels has popped up in news reporting and cryptic tweets. This is the real legacy that Brown is leaving behind, and we will make...Read More
For immediate release: 11/9/18 Contact: Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Restore the Delta, 209-479-2053, barbara@restorethedelta.org Nora Kovaleski, 408-806-6470, nora@kovaleskipr.com SACRAMENTO, CA – Last night, Delta Stewardship Council staff released a draft determination for the CA WaterFix project, which found that the WaterFix is not consistent with the objectives of the Delta Plan. In the staff report, DSC staff...Read More
In Case You Missed It: Secret Negotiations on Bay-Delta Plan Unfolding as Brown Hints at Major Water Announcement in Next 30 Days It’s been a busy week at Restore the Delta. Here’s what you need to know: Newsom and Brown wade into California water wars to delay plan to help fish – Ryan Sabalow for...Read More
California WaterFix was not selected by the United States Environmental Protection Agency for a water infrastructure WIFIA loan for 2019. WIFIA loans are generally used for public-private-partnerships, and are guaranteed by U.S. taxpayers. Restore the Delta was the first entity to track this process and has worked on uncovering and tracking WIFIA loan activities since...Read More