
Action Alert
Govenor Newsom is trying to slip in pro-tunnel language into the CEQA exemption trailer. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) generally requires state and local government agencies to inform decision makers and the public about the potential environmental impacts of proposed projects, and to reduce those environmental impacts to the extent feasible. Call your legislator and Governor...
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Please contact Senator Padilla’s Office today regarding Senator Manchin’s draft water section in the infrastructure bill. While there are necessary items in the infrastructure bill, Senator Dianne Feinstein (who does not serve on the Energy and Water Committee) drafted this water section for Senator Manchin and loaded it up with big dam projects that will not help...
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Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) are a threat to health and public safety in the Delta.  Our Delta Counties are not doing a good job of notifying people to be cautious near waterways in Downtown Stockton, Smith Canal, near Windmill Cove, Discovery Bay and Big Break in Antioch.  Here are some photo examples of the 2021 toxic algae...
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The long process of official DWR-sponsored meetings around the Environmental Impact Report for the Delta tunnel begins this summer. We recommend that all our followers register for the webinars sponsored by DWR and the Design Construction Authority to listen and respond with smart, factual, yet passionate critique as necessary. Head and heart make for the best...
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We have two requests this week.1) SB222 and SB223 – Prevent Water ShutoffsCall Senator Susan Eggman today at 916-651-4005 and urge her to support SB222 and SB223. 500,000 Californians are facing water shutoffs coming out of the pandemic and ratepayers have $1 billion of water debt presently. These bills would help low-income families pay their...
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Dear Friends,This is it folks, the BIG VOTE on the Delta Tunnel.This is our last chance, and the biggest chance, of 2020 to kill this terrible project.Caty Wagner of Sierra Club California has written an accurate alert with many good links for Tuesday’s Metropolitan Water District vote regarding funding of the tunnel project.We would add that during...
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How climate change could spark the next home mortgage disaster – Politico (Special Report) 11/30/20Taxpayers are backing more than a trillion dollars in home mortgages, but the agencies buying them are neglecting to consider climate risks.“Heavy rains overran the streets this year, last year — almost every year. And the problem is projected to get worse:...
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Friends,Metropolitan Water District of Southern Californiais looking for a new general manager as Jeff Kightlinger is retiring; click on the link to complete the survey as to what you believe the priorities for MWD should be going forward. This is time sensitive, as the survey closes tomorrow November 25.Also be prepared to participate on-line December 8, 2020 in their...
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Cyanobacteria Bloom-Central Delta 7/28/20 Good Afternoon,  Central Valley Water Board staff has observed moderate cyanobacteria blooms in various Delta locations during routine recreational water quality monitoring activities. Cyanobacteria water samples were collected at five locations on 7/16/20 and sent to Bend Genetics for lab analysis.  Incident Details:     Moderate cyanobacteria HABs throughout the San Joaquin River, Disappointment Slough and...
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Dear Friends,Tuesday, Valley Water indicated that their funding measure (discussed in yesterday’s alert) for the November ballot will not include funding for Delta tunnels planning.  That is good news.We think, however, that you may want to share two observations with Valley Water’s Board of Directors.Tell them that the language for the bond measure cannot be squishy...
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