Ways to Get Involved: Volunteer, Intern, Attend our Membership Meeting

Save the date for our
General Membership Meeting! 

WHAT: Restore the Delta General Membership Meeting
WHEN: April 30, 2015 6:00-8:00PM
WHERE: Ambler's Club, 2000 N. Amblers Ln., Stockton, CA 95203
RSVP required: E-mail Cruz@restorethedelta.org or call (209) 475-9550

See flyer below or here for more details! 



We're seeking interns and volunteers!

The Delta is a public trust resource, but now, as the drought continues and worsens, we are dealing with direct attacks daily from special interests who want to continue draining and over pumping the Delta even more for their private gain. Our campaign is also growing rapidly as more Californians start to think about the Delta and water. 

Help us sustain our grassroots campaign and expand our voice during this critical period by committing to volunteer or intern with us. 

We're looking for Delta Ambassadors and volunteers in a variety of areas. Go to our website for details and share our call for help with your family and friends! 


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