LA Times’ George Skelton column knocks the ball out of the park!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Contact: Steve Hopcraft 916/457-5546;; Twitter: @shopcraft;
Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla 209/479-2053; Twitter: @RestoretheDelta

In case you missed it… 
Los Angeles Times

Capitol Journal: Gov. Brown preaches adaptation but ducks big fights
By George Skelton 6/14/15

"…As for the drought, Brown told Beutner that Californians need to "take water and use it and use it again and use it again. The metaphor is spaceship Earth. In a spaceship you reuse everything."

“Gov. Jerry Brown speaks passionately about how humans — Californians specifically — must adapt to changing conditions or become extinct. Hopefully he is listening to himself. …

“…Brown gets credit for holding back fellow Democrats on spending, although he is plowing ahead with two massive, questionable and costly pet projects: the bullet train and twin water tunnels. …

“…Agriculture accounts for 80% of human water use in California while generating only 2% of the economy. If we really must adapt or perish, why isn’t Brown seriously considering regulating which thirsty crops can be grown and where?…

“…Here’s an idea: Try something new that’s smaller, less expensive and more acceptable. Adapt.”

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