Urgent: Call Senator Feinstein & Senator Boxer Today!

Dear Restore the Delta Members:

Senator Feinstein's bill S 2198 is a bad deal for the Delta.  It will federalize water diversions from the Delta at levels that are bad for farms and fish.  Even worse, as the Senator continues to sell the bill as  "temporary" drought measures, water advocates continue to find language  buried in the bill that favors big corporate agribusiness on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley to the detriment of 99% of California's water users.  The bill has not been passed through normal committees and public hearings, and thus has not had to withstand public scrutiny. Plus a Senate and House conference to merge water bills will result in even greater weakened protections for the Delta — all  made behind closed doors without any public input whatsoever.

Please call the Senators' offices today and let them know of your opposition to S 2198.  Tell the Senators to stop favoring a limited number of water users at the expense of Delta communities and California water users.  Tell them to stop setting up the Delta for environmental failure.

Thank you!

Senator Barbara Boxer (202) 224-3553

Senator Dianne Feinstein (202) 224-3841


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