Statement from Restore the Delta
February 17, 2025
MEDIA CONTACT: Alexandra Nagy,, 818-633-0865
Statement from Restore the Delta
Sacramento, Calif. — Today, Governor Gavin Newsom announced that the Delta Conveyance
Project (DCP) has received a required Incidental Take Permit to advance the boondoggle
project. Built on flawed voluntary agreements, the DCP seeks to divert vital river water into a
costly tunnel that fails to address real climate-resilient water solutions or deliver affordable
outcomes for Californians.
Statement by Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Executive Director of Restore the Delta:
Governor Newsom is pushing forward with the DCP at the expense of the Delta’s communities,
all while cutting a deal with President Trump to pump the Delta dry. The Bay Delta’s economy
and environment will be completely destroyed by this apparent Newsom-Trump alliance. Why is
Newsom hastening the destruction of the Bay Delta estuary while Trump is federalizing
California water management?
Restore the Delta remains committed to fighting to protect the Delta and the people that depend
on it.