ICYMI:  “Newsom restores floodplain funds, adds $290 million to flood control budget. 

For Immediate Release: 5/12/23

Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, 209-479-2053, barbara@restorethedelta.org 

As reported by CalMatters’ Alastair Bland in ,“Newsom restores floodplain funds, adds $290 million to flood control budget,” earlier this year, Governor Gavin Newsom “yanked $40 million in funding to restore San Joaquin Valley floodplains from his proposed budget, angering legislators from both parties and conservationists. Today, he gave all of the money back as part of a $290-million package to increase flood protection funding statewide.”

“Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, executive director of Restore the Delta, an environmental justice group in Stockton, also applauded the governor’s action. Scientists say the San Joaquin Valley could experience cataclysmic flooding in the near future.

“The governor listened to the multitude of voices that have called for the restoration and expansion of flood protection funding,” she said. “He did the right thing for Californians.” 

She said much more money for flood protection work is needed, citing a report from state flood officials who estimated that $3.2 billion in state-federal funding over the next five years is needed to protect against catastrophic flooding in the Central Valley. According to that report, the state has spent just $250 million a year on flood protection. 

“We’re still not where we need to be,” she said. “That may take work through several state budgets to get fully adjusted, but more will have to be done to prepare for climate change,” Barrigan-Parrilla said.

We would like to thank all our Delta and statewide coalition partners who worked with us to advocate for the restoration and expansion of these funds:  River Partners, American Rivers, San Joaquin Area Flood Control Authority,  our Community Organizer and Government Liaison Artie Valencia(and our full team), Little Manila Rising, With Our Words, Faith in the Valley, Catholic Charities of the Stockton Diocese, Public Health Advocates, Nopal, the Reinvent Stockton Foundation, Edge Collaborative, Iglesia Luterana Santa Maria Peregrina, NAACP Stockton Chapter, San Joaquin County Historical Museum, the Reinvent South Stockton Coalition, and the Conway Homes Resident Association. We also received support from Senator Susan Eggman and her staff, and Stockton Councilmember Kimberly Warmsley.

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