ACTION ALERT: Take Action to help Stop the Tunnel. Make your Voice Heard!

Make a public comment to the Delta Stewardship Council regarding the Delta tunnel!

On Thursday, January 23rd, the Delta Stewardship Council will address an item on their agenda they call a consistency determination. It is a procedural process under the Delta Reform Act to approve projects. On the 23rd, the Department of Water Resources will invoke this process to advance the Delta tunnel.

We need your help! And our ask is very specific.

We are asking the public to make public comments on either Zoom, or in person.

Last June, the Superior Court determined that the Department of Water Resources was violating the Delta Reform Act by beginning to perform the geotechnical work that is part of the ultimate construction of the Delta Conveyance Project and ordered DWR to stop that work. The Delta Reform Act requires that projects like the Tunnel be “consistent” with the goals of (1) protecting, restoring, and enhancing the Delta’s ecosystem AND (2) creating a more reliable water supply system in California. Instead of attempting to explain why the Tunnel would be consistent with those goals (it is not), DWR instead submitted limited information about a small portion of the geotechnical work required to build the Tunnel for review by the Delta Stewardship Council under the Delta Reform Act. DWR has never demonstrated the Tunnel is consistent with the Delta Reform Act, nor does it try to do so now. Instead it hides behind arbitrary choices, demanding special treatment from the Council in order to proceed where courts have already told DWR its actions are illegal. 

The Delta Stewardship Council is now mostly made up of appointees from Governor Newsom, and the tone and actions of some Council staff has been concerning over the last six months regarding their value  and consideration of needs for Delta communities. We fear they will rubber stamp anything to appease Governor Newsom rather than thinking through how to administer the Delta Act Act.

DWR’s consistency determination before the Council for test drilling for the tunnel is an end-run around CEQA and rulings by state and state appellate courts regarding drilling and bonds. After spending over 1 billion the last 15 years, DWR is desperate to get this project moving forward despite repeated rejection of the tunnel by voters and public opinion.

Please view the information below to learn how you can make a public comment on January 23rd to the Council.

  • When making a public comment, tell the Delta Stewardship Council to stop the end-run around the law, to do their job, and to hold up the goals of protecting and restoring, and enhancing the Delta’s ecosystem. They need to reject the consistency determination rather than helping DWR and Governor Newsom with building a tunnel that nobody wants except for them, and billionaire industrial leaders. Now is not the time for a tunnel considering the amount of public investment it is going to take to rebuild infrastructure in Los Angeles and to build climate infrastructure around the state.

By the way, the Governor claims the tunnel is the most important climate project in the United States. We think the Los Angeles fires have revealed that claim to be absurd.

Click on the link to learn how to register to make a comment. The Council meeting starts at  9:30 am. You will be commenting on item 3, geotechnical drilling.  

Thank you time and time again for showing up to protect the Delta.

Meeting Details:

  • Date & Time: Thursday, January 23, 2025 starting at 9:30 AM
  • Location: California Natural Resources Agency, 715 P Street, Room 221, Sacramento, CA 95814. Please see the end of this notice for parking information. (Government Code § 11123)
  • Additional Teleconference Location: 612 G Street, Suite 101, Large Conference Room, Eureka, CA 95501. Please see the end of this notice for parking information. (Government Code § 11123)
  • Remote Attendance Option: Join as an attendee online via Zoom. Join here.
    • Call in at 1669-900-6833 (webinar ID: 851 0349 3479)

Members of the public interested in providing comments remotely should either: 

  1. Join the meeting via Zoom, provide the name and agenda item (Item 3, Geotechnical drilling) associated with the request to comment to the Council clerk at
  2. Call (916) 275-6824, provide a name and remain on the line. While Zoom requires registration, the name used to register on Zoom is not required to be the user’s actual name. When called on by the Council Chair, Zoom attendees and telephone callers will be unmuted and able to provide oral comments.”

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