Restore the Delta statement in response to Governor Newsom’s Pipe Dream: When ‘Water Resilience’ Means Draining the Delta

October 2, 2024

Alexandra Nagy, 

Stockton, Calif. –  Governor Newsom released a Water Resilience One Year update today, claiming ‘progress’ on the Delta Tunnel as a way to ‘enhance water supplies.’

Statement from Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Executive Director of Restore the Delta:

“Governor Newsom claims the Delta Tunnel is about water resilience, but the truth is this project will drain our wallets and the Delta itself with declining water supplies resulting from climate change. His rosy cost-benefit analysis conveniently ignores the environmental destruction to environmental justice communities, harm to tribal communities, and massive financial risks for Southern California ratepayers. He is pushing a $20 billion gamble on a pipe dream for the benefit of powerful political donors. California needs real climate solutions that reduce Delta reliance, not a boondoggle that benefits a few at the expense of our most vital ecosystems economies and people.”

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