Restore the Delta has submitted a letter of opposition against Governor Newsom’s efforts of gutting the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) through his Budget Trailer Bills.
These Budget Trailer Bills jeopardize weakening CEQA, and if passed could have huge impacts on water and other related climate infrastructure. One of the proposed bills could speed up the permit process for developing the Delta Conveyance Project (Delta Tunnel). The Delta Conveyance Project presents multiple concerns ranging from water quality, public health, and environmental degradation of the surrounding project area and waterways of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
Additionally, on May 25th, “In a 3-0 vote, a Senate budget committee found Newsom’s package was too complex for last-minute consideration under legislative deadlines.” Yet, even with that vote, these trailer bills could be returned to Senate or Assembly committees in the upcoming weeks.
Take action against the Budget Trailer Bills by emailing Chair Rebecca Bauer- Kahan, Vice Chair Devon Mathis, and other Committee Members at the California State Assembly Committee on Water, Parks, and Wildlife, the Representatives listed in our Coalition Letter, as well as your own Assembly and State Senate Representatives to express opposition of the Budget Trailer Bills and how they threaten the Delta and frontline communities in the Delta region!
Send these emails before the afternoon of June 5th, 2023!
Emailing Instructions:
For emailing CA Representatives, use to figure out your respective Reps. go to their website and click the “Contact” tab, fill out the information requested. You don’t necessarily have to fill out the specific issue tab, but you may if the issue matches up. Otherwise, fill out the comment section with your opposition to the Budget Trailer Bills.
For emailing Members of the Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee, visit, then under “Office & Contact Information” click “Contact Assembly Member” with their respective name which will take you to their website to contact them. If this Assembly Member is out of your district, use this format and draft your own email.