For Immediate Release: 2/17/2020
Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, 209-479-2053,
Stockton, CA – Donald Trump will visit the San Joaquin Valley on Wednesday to ceremoniously sign a Record of Decision on his controversial federal Biological Opinion that covers operations of water pumps that draw water from the San Francisco Bay-Delta.
Conservation groups say Trump’s alliance with powerful valley agricultural interests like Westlands Water District “…has injected politics into federal oversight of the nation’s leading environmental laws.” Trump fired the first set of scientists from the project when they returned with a science draft report that said fish need more water to survive.
Trump team weakens endangered species protections for California salmon and delta smelt – Los Angeles Times 10/22/2019
Statement by Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Executive Director, Restore the Delta:
“We don’t understand why Governor Newsom has still not filed the promised lawsuit against Trump’s tainted BiOps. Why is his administration collaborating with the Trump Administration on creating “faux science” about the needs of Delta fisheries and ignoring the millions of Delta residents dependent on a healthy estuary? Fishery numbers are at their lowest levels ever and Bay-Delta cities are experiencing harmful algal blooms due to lack of flows.
“The people of California have made it clear they want the SF Bay-Delta estuary protected. What does Governor Newsom gain from siding with Secretary Bernhardt, Westlands Water District, and the State Water Contractors either politically, policy wise, or in terms of protecting California’s water supply in a changing climate? We think nothing. Californians will remember which side Governor Newsom will choose – especially if it’s the side of special interests tied to a corrupt Federal administration over our state’s people and public trust resources.”
After the Central Valley event, Trump will head to Southern California to a fundraiser hosted by Larry Ellison at his resort/home in Rancho Mirage, where contributors will pay $250,000 for a golf outing, round-table discussion, and a photo with Donald Trump.