TAKE ACTION for Delta Species and Communities! Tell your representatives to Support SB1 (2019)

Dear Restore the Delta Members —
As reported in the LA Times this morning, A report shows Trump’s water plan would hurt California salmon. The government hid it .  The Trump Administration hid science findings so that it could put forth new water rules for operating California’s water system in a way that would allow for more Delta pumping.
Endangered species protections, in addition to protecting salmon, other fisheries and the wildlife we treasure in the Delta, also protect our water quality from over pumping.
This is why we are calling on California Assemblymembers, State Senators, and Governor Newsom to support SB1. Tell them to support endangered species protections, and to NOT support a watered down version of SB1 that would allow for more pumping from the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary. Federal water contractors are pushing a weakened version of the bill that would allow for more pumping from the Delta by doing away with protections for Delta fisheries.
We can thank Assemblymember Susan Talamantes Eggman who voted through a committee vote for SB1 as written. We need to politely remind our other elected Assemblymembers and State Senators to #SaveTheDelta by supporting SB1 with full ESA protections for the Delta.
Saving the Delta, in addition to opposing a Delta tunnel, means making sure that fisheries are protected, and that our communities are protected from overpumping of freshwater. 

Remember if these protections are gutted, it becomes easier to fill a large tunnel with water.
Click here to find your elected state representatives if you don’t know who they are.  
When you call, ask if s/he supports full ESA protections in SB1.  If they say yes, thank them and remind them not to support a weakened version of the bill.  
If they say no, let him/her know that you support full ESA protections for California salmon and fisheries, and that you expect state leaders to do better with protections than the Trump Administration’s water plan. Be polite, upbeat, and grateful for support.

Thank you,
Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla
Restore the Delta

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