Join Restore the Delta with a one time donation:
Enter an amount you would like to donate as a one-time donation or as a reoccurring monthly donation below (be sure to check that option on PayPal if you want to donate monthly). Any one-time donation at $50 or over will receive the following gifts: a “Save the Delta! Stop the Tunnels” yard sign, a Restore the Delta mini flashlight, and two bumper stickers. If you would like to opt-out of these gifts, please let us know by e-mailing, filling in the note section on PayPal, or by calling (209) 475-9550.
Your donation to Restore the Delta will show online and on your card statement as RESTOREDELT.
December 3, 2013
Dear Friend of Restore the Delta,
2013 was a year of ongoing achievement for Restore the Delta. Our documentary Over Troubled Waters narrated by Ed Begley Jr. received honors or awards at over a dozen film festivals and was screened for over 70,000 Californians. We are pleased to announce that in 2014, Over Troubled Waters will be made available to viewers through Netflix and other on-line services.
This is not the only area, however, that Restore the Delta continued to lead the charge for protecting the future of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary. Restore the Delta has been behind or involved with thousands of newspaper, radio, and television stories regarding Governor Brown’s proposal to build the peripheral tunnel project which would deal the final deathblow to the Delta. Some of these stories included features on Bay Area television and radio, editorial endorsements by the San Jose Mercury News, and supportive columns in the Los Angeles Times. Restore the Delta has done this work by continuing to produce highly visible public events, producing quality research, writing, and commentary on Delta processes, running a successful sign campaign, and holding regular telephone conferences with the media.
We are sincerely grateful to our supporters, like you, who have helped to broaden our outreach throughout California this year.
2014, however, will be a pivotal year in the fight for the future of the Delta. In ten days, the Environmental Impact Report will be released by the resources agency, kicking off a 120 day public-comment period. Yet, with this process will come much public opportunity to expand statewide opposition to the plan as its costs and lack of real environmental benefits do not make sense to the majority of Californians. In fact, opposition polling done shows that if the people of the Delta do not support the peripheral tunnels support for a water bond tied to the project plummets to 32%.
That is why we are asking you to consider making a year-end contribution to help Restore the Delta expand its message to an even wider audience as to why the Delta is worthy of protection. In particular, Restore the Delta is continuing to expand its statewide coalition of hundreds of spokespeople who can help to get the message out about why the boondoggle peripheral tunnel project is bad for California.
Restore the Delta is a non-profit organization. Our staff and volunteers are committed for the long haul – but we need your help. Staying with this process and informing the public are huge time-consuming tasks, with associated expenses. We need sustained funding in order to ensure that we defeat this project not only in court, but also in the court of public opinion once and for all.
Of course, all donations to Restore the Delta are tax deductible.
Today, our community has come together to express its opposition to the Bay Delta Conservation Plan. Farmers, fisherman and business owners are helping in our effort. Can you please help us start 2014 with the backing that we need to further our mission?
We hope that you have a wonderful holiday and that 2013 brings you and your family health, happiness, and prosperity.
Sincerely yours,
Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla
Executive Director
Restore the Delta