This summer marks the 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy and Governor Edmund G. “Pat” Brown (father of the present Governor) going to Los Banos to break ground for the San Luis Dam. Congressman Jim Costa compares the Bay Delta Conservation Plan and Governor Jerry Brown’s twin-peripheral tunnel vision to the San Luis project....Read More
Research by Deirdre Des Jardins of California Water Research Associates reveals that B. F. Sisk Dam has clay soils underneath it. They were bone dry when Bureau of Reclamation engineers tested the soils, and the dam was engineered based on the properties of the dry clay soils. But clay expands and gets slippery when it...Read More
Most recent discussion of earthquake risk in the Delta have been based on the Delta Risk Management Strategy (DRMS). DRMS was prepared by consultants (URS Corporation) for the Department of Water Resources. Experts disagree about many of the findings in DRMS, which assumes five Delta fault systems. For example, new modeling of the “Montezuma Hills...Read More