Dear friend,
Real change for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta will take more than opposing questionable legislation or an ill-conceived government process like the Bay Delta Conservation Plan. The numerous governing processes that effect the Delta need constant and consistent monitoring from the Delta community. And, we, Delta residents, recreationists, farmers, and business leaders need to communicate our own vision for the Delta’s future.
Even more important, our vision needs to be consistently reported to the larger Delta urban community, the media, and to our neighbors throughout the State in a credible and thought provoking way. That’s what we do in the Delta Flows newsletter, in our action alerts, and in our media releases. That is the message that we are sharing in our regular community meeting series.
Together, we are making a difference! I am greatly heartened by the truths that underlie our work — that fresh water flows are the essential building block for restoring Delta fisheries and for the health of Delta farms and Delta communities, both rural and urban. I am proud of our central role in the campaign to restore California’s commitment to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and to the creation of a sustainable water system for the entire state.
Which is why I am asking for your sustaining gift.
When we communicate your passion and love for the Delta before scientists, the media, and elected officials, whether in person or through writing, we provide tangible proof of the grassroots power and wisdom thousands of enthusiasts like you possess. It can make all the difference in outcomes for our estuary, and our home.
Please don’t delay. With the Delta’s future at stake, now is the time to give your most generous gift so that we can remain steadfast in our mission – preserving and protecting the Delta for future generations.
Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla
Executive Director
P.S. – You can click here to set up your monthly contribution through our secure paypal site. Or you can make your contribution in one payment