After 4 years and $140 million, the Bay Delta Conservation Plan is going to release some kind of document this week, but it won’t answer the central question of the exercise: how do exporters plan to get the amount of water they want while giving fish and habitat the water they need? On Tuesday, the...Read More
Moon and Snow both noted that operating criteria determine how much water you get, regardless of what is built. But Assembly member Yamada and Huffman both made the point that with a large facility come large expectations. And the size of the facility is still unknown. Huffman asked Snow about the meeting that took place...Read More
More Dudley Ridge landowners are selling water rights Last week in the N.Y Times, Felicity Barringer reported on a proposal for two farmers in Dudley Ridge Water District in the southern San Joaquin Valley to sell their water rights for development at Tejon Ranch. Selling 2,000 acre-feet annually for $5,850 an acre-foot will net the...Read More