The DSC worked through lunch to hear from Richard Roos-Collins about an item that wasn’t even on the original agenda: the proposed plan for implementing the BDCP. This involves a BDCP Implementation Office (IO). Thus yet another layer of Delta governance was slipped in while most of the audience was out to lunch.
The BDCP appears to be on schedule to release a public viewing draft on November 18, according to ARCADIS, the independent consultant brought on by the DSC to report on the BDCP. A draft for public review including the draft EIR/EIS is scheduled for release in spring or early summer of 2011.
ARCADIS insists that just because their matrix lists unresolved issues, that doesn’t mean that the issues aren’t being addressed. Nevertheless, here are some issues still “pending” in the matrix:
- There is still no evaluation of alternatives that will reduce exports.
- The BDCP project description still needs to be determined. (They can’t say exactly what it is, but they know how they want to handle governance.)
- Information requests are pending regarding flow criteria, not just amount of flows but timing and levels of contaminant reduction. The Water Board has scheduled discussion on this subject for mid-December.
- There is insufficient information to evaluate turbidity effects on fish movement and survival.
- There still isn’t enough information on the effect of Sacramento River diversions on water quality, fish, and aquatic habitat in the central and south Delta.