Estuary News / ICYMI

A Digest of Selected News Stories

ICYMI: Joint objection letter filed for Delta Conveyance Project pre-hearing conference

The Delta Tribal Environmental Coalition (DTEC), San Francisco Baykeeper, California Indian Environmental Alliance, and Golden State Salmon Association on...

Rice Field Day on July 19th & Resources for Delta Farmers

By: Sara Medina The Wetlands Preservation Foundation (WPF) and Restore the Delta are excited to host...


Restore the Delta note: This press release was sent out originally by the Delta Counties Coalition. Congratulations...

Just Transitions in the Delta Workshop on June 11th

On June 11th at the Big Break Visitor Center in Oakley, the first Just Transitions in the Delta workshop is...

ICYMI: A cruise ship sinks near Stockton

Restore the Delta note: This is an item of interest because we think there has to be...

Understanding SJAFCA’s Proposed Assessment for 200-year Flood Protection for Mossdale Tract Area

By: Artie ValenciaOn April 18th, 2024, the San Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency Board authorized balloting...

ICYMI: Problematic cost-benefit for the Delta Conveyance Project

In case you missed it, several news stories of interest regarding the problematic cost-benefit for the...

Coalition files protest against Delta Conveyance water diversion application that would cause irreversible harm to Delta ecosystem and its people

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 14, 2024 Contacts:  Eric Buescher, Managing Attorney, San Francisco Baykeeper, 510.671.5402, Stephanie Safdi,...

ICYMI: San Joaquin County, Sacramento County, and Sacramento County Water Agency filed motions for preliminary injunction against the Delta Tunnel

San Joaquin County, Sacramento County, and Sacramento County Water Agency have filed motions for preliminary injunction against the...
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